Fueling GROWTH Through...

Strength Findings
People Advisory
Capability Building
Process Automation
Smart Work Suite
Brand Architecture

What we offer

Your Success is Our Success

MINDWRKS Coaching and Mentoring Services like Life Coaching, Business Coaching & Leadership Coaching
Welcome to MINDWRKS Coaching and Mentoring Services like Life Coaching, Business Coaching & Leadership Coaching 

Coaching & Mentoring Assignments are curated based on the initial Strength finding assessments and the objective of the intervention.

MINDWRKS Organizational Change Management Services for Large Scale Change/Transformation Merger & Acquisition, Org Restructuring and Digital Transformation
Welcome to MINDWRKS Organizational Change Management Services for Large Scale Change/Transformation Merger & Acquisition, Org Restructuring, and Digital Transformation  

We specialize in helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of change. Our well-researched and proven framework, ACERS™.

MINDWRKS Assessment Services - Multiple Intelligence Testing, Personality Assessments, Strength Findings, Technical Assessments
Our Approach to Mindwrks People Assessments

A talent assessment company that offers a variety of assessment solutions to help organizations identify and develop talent. The Assessments can be used for Talent Selection, Promotions, Role Change, Succession Planning & Talent Review, Sales Roles etc.

MINDWRKS People Advisory and Consulting Services
Our Approach to PACS

Based on ongoing research and our adept experience in the field of Human Resources we have come up with a very robust Integrated Framework which embeds end-to-end “Integrated Talent Management Architecture – i-TAMA” The framework has inbuilt Enterprise Change Management Model.

MINDWRKS Learning, Organizational Results and Development Sustainability
Our Approach to Learning and OD

Learning and OD Services: Mindwrks™ offers Learning and OD (Organizational Development) services that are customized to the needs of an organization. To create a unique proposition, Mindwrks focus on providing a comprehensive approach that covers the entire employee lifecycle.

MINDWRKS VISTA™ - Talent Acquisition Services
Our Approach to Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

At our organization, we have developed our own distinctive approach called VISTA, which sets us apart in the industry. VISTA encompasses a comprehensive methodology to ensure effective talent acquisition and recruitment processes.

MINDWRKS Campus to Corporates
Our Approach to Campus 2 Corporate

Welcome to the MINDWRKS Campus to Corporate Program, designed to equip participants with the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset required to thrive in a corporate environment. 

MINDWRKS Smart Work Suite
Our Approach to Minkwrks Smart Work Suite

Minkwrks Smart Work Suite, empowering employees' might, Efficiency unleashed, productivity takes flight.

MINDWRKS Brand Architecture & Marketing
Our Approach to Branding and Marketing

In the world of branding, a story to unfold, Magnetic marketing, a brand that takes hold. Captivating audiences, leaving a lasting trace, Branding excellence, a journey they embrace. A brand's vibrant aura, shining bright and true, Marketing strategies, painting success anew.

Welcome to MINDWRKS Academy of Human Capital and Industrial Relations (MAHIR™)

A renowned HR Academy dedicated to equipping HR professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their careers. We are committed to providing world-class training and development programs.

MINDWRKS Resume Building
Our Approach to Image Building & Personal Branding

A well-crafted personal brand helps professionals stand out in a crowded marketplace. It allows individuals to showcase their unique strengths, skills, and value proposition, setting them apart from their peers.

MINDWRKS Finishing School
Our Approach to Finishing School

Mindwrks Finishing School is a comprehensive program designed to empower individuals with the essential skills, mindset, and confidence needed to succeed in personal, social, and professional domains.

Our Vision


Happy Customers

Our vision is to be recognized globally and be a trusted partner in the field of unlocking potential through varied Assessments.


Clients Satisfied

Empowering Minds through Capability Building and Organization Development through customized


Projects Done

People Solutions, business transformational Services & Information Technology.

Free Consultation

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Career & Strength finding Assessments (Mindwrks Assessment Center & Development Center – MACDC)

  • Strength finding for Kids
  • Strength finding for adults
  • Followed by Report Analysis and Counseling Sessions
  • Individual Development Planning & Follow Ups sessions
  • Cognitive Assessments
  • Personality & Trait Assessments
  • Skills Assessments
  • Role Based Competency (Behavioral & Technical Assessments)
    • Sales Competency Assessments
    • Leadership Roles Assessments
    • Managerial Response Experience (MRE) Assessments
    • Situational Leadership Assessments
    • Other Assessments for IC roles
  • 360 Degree Feedback & Evaluation
  • Job Analysis


Validity & Reliability



Coaching & Mentoring – Mindwrks™ Eclectic Coaching (COACHERAPY) Framework

Coaching & Mentoring Assignments are curated based on the initial Strength finding assessments. There are many coaching models in the market, however the MEC framework is outcome all the best practices of GROW, WOOP, CLEAR, OSKAR, MCC, ICF & other frameworks. This has fine blend of Positive Psychology, Self-therapy and Self Coaching Practices enabling individuals to sustain and succeed in longer run and strength their Emotional Resilience and play on their potential. At Mindwrks, we believe in the power of transformational change from within. Our coaching model is designed to help you tap into your potential, enhance your emotional resilience, and achieve sustainable success in the long run. With a fine blend of positive psychology, self-therapy, and self-coaching practices, we empower individuals to overcome challenges and thrive.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Training Update

Enhance Your Skills and Thrive in a Rapidly Evolving World.
Licensure OD Practitioner Certification
Licensure Career Path Architecture
Licensure Change Management Consultant

Best Reason to Choose Our Service

Holistic Approach
Customized Solutions
Expertise and Experience
Collaborative Partnership

Recent Case Studies

Change Management

Change Management for Global ERP Rollout.

Career Architecture

Design your career with intention.

People Advisory

Unlock your team’s full potential.

OD Intervention

Cultivate organizational growth through intervention.

What Our Clients Say About Mindwrks Service

Working with Mindwrks has been an incredible experience. Their comprehensive range of services, from training programs to strategic consulting, has helped our organization thrive. The team at Mindwrks brings a unique blend of expertise, professionalism, and dedication to the table. They have a deep understanding of our industry and have provided us with valuable insights and solutions. Mindwrks has truly been a catalyst for our growth and success. We highly recommend their services to anyone looking to elevate their business to new heights.
Emily Davis

Our Latest News

Stay tuned for regular updates that will empower and uplift you on your path to success and fulfillment.

Sangram Pawar

June 04, 2023


Unlocking Your Potential for Success in the Corporate World

Sangram Pawar

June 04, 2023


Unlocking the Power of Human Capital: Introducing (MAHIR™)

Sagram Pawar

April 04, 2021


Navigating Change with MindWrks Enterprise Change Management

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